How to let people know about an event or activity.
How to let people know about an activity or event
Website Crown Church of Scotland (
Email information to Bob Forrest Either give the wording you wish or an explanation of what is proposed. Preferably say where in the website you would wish it to appear.
Our Newsletter is produced monthly and you can see copies on the website.
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter should be sent to Fiona Carter, the editor, at
Items to go on our Facebook page should be sent to:-
Stewart Robertson
Wayside Pulpit
If you have not previously placed material in the wayside pulpit, please discuss first with Charlie Gallacher tel 234982. He will be pleased to advise and can also help by putting up notices.
Notices should be at least A3 size in order to be visible from the street – we can print this size in the Church Office.
Please do not remove or cover up other notices unless clearly out of date.
Charlie puts up posters with religious texts etc. If there is no other space for a notice of an event or activity, then his posters can be taken down and should be put safely in the Church Office.
Banners can be displayed on the outside of the church building. There are design, cost and practical implications. If you wish to consider a banner please discuss first with either:-
Struan McRoberts
David Crippin
Out of date material
Once an event has passed, please remove the publicity from the Wayside Pulpit, Website etc. Consider a report or news item in the Newsletter, website and/or Facebook page with photos if appropriate.