Since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, we have been broadcasting services online using Facebook Live. These services can be accessed via Facebook (no account required using this link at 11am on Sundays) You can also see archived services from these broadcasts using the following links: 25/06/23 18/06/23 11/06/23 04/06/23 28/05/23 21/05/23 14/05/23 07/05/23 30/04/23 23/04/23 16/04/23 09/04/23 02/04/23 26/03/23 19/03/23 12/03/23 05/03/23 26/02/23 19/02/23 12/02/23 05/02/23 29/01/23 15/01/23 08/01/23 01/01/23 From 2022: 25/12/22 Christmas Day 24/12/22 Watchnight Service 24/12/22 6:30 Carols 18/12/22 11/12/22 04/12/22 27/11/22 20/11/22 13/11/22 06/11/22 30/10/22 23/10/22 02/10/22 25/09/22 18/09/22 11/09/22 28/08/22 21/08/22 14/08/22 07/08/22 31/07/22 - and part 2 here 24/07/22 17/07/22 03/07/22 26/06/22 19/06/22 12/06/22 05/06/22 22/05/22 15/05/22 08/05/22 24/04/22 17/04/22 - Easter Sunday 14/04/22 - Maundy Thursday 10/04/22 03/04/22 27/03/22 20/03/22 13/03/22 06/03/22 27/02/22 20/02/22 13/02/22 06/02/22 23/01/22 16/01/22 - with a late start due to technical difficulties. 09/01/22 02/01/22 From 2021: 26/12/21 25/12/21 24/12/21 - Carol Service 21/12/21 - Longest night service 19/12/21 12/12/21 05/12/21 28/11/21 21/11/21 14/11/21 07/11/21 31/10/21 24/10/21 17/10/21 03/10/21 26/09/21 19/09/21 12/09/21 05/09/21 29/08/21 22/08/21 15/08/21 08/08/21 18/07/21 11/07/21 04/07/21 27/06/21 20/06/21 13/06/21 06/06/21 30/05/21 23/05/21 16/05/21 09/05/21 02/05/21 25/04/21 18/04/21 11/04/21 28/03/21 21/03/21 14/03/21 07/03/21 28/02/21 21/02/21 14/02/21 07/02/21 31/01/21 24/01/21 17/01/21 10/01/21 03/01/21 From 2020: 22/03/20 29/03/20 05/04/20 (Palm Sunday) 09/04/20 (Maundy Thursday) 12/04/20 (Easter Sunday) 19/04/20 26/04/20 Part 1 and Part 2 (There was a glitch in the broadcast so it was streamed in two parts) 03/05/20 10/05/20 17/05/20 24/05/20 31/05/20 (This is a Church of Scotland national broadcast for Pentecost - we did not do our own broadcast on this Sunday) 07/06/20 14/06/20 21/06/20 28/06/20 05/07/20 12/07/20 19/07/20 26/07/20 02/08/20 09/08/20 16/08/20 23/08/20 30/08/20 06/09/20 13/09/20 20/09/20 27/09/20 04/10/20 11/10/20 18/10/20 25/10/20 01/11/20 08/11/20 15/11/20 22/11/20 Apologies for the early finish - technical issues! 29/11/20 06/12/20 13/12/20 20/12/20 24/12/20 25/12/20 27/12/20